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New Polling Shows Strong Support for Privacy Reform

25 Sep 2024

The latest Guardian Essential Report shows a strong majority support privacy reforms:

  • Forty seven per cent of respondents believe that laws do not adequately protect privacy rights.
  • This is notably higher than the 27% who feel that privacy is adequately safeguarded by laws.
  • Older respondents were more likely than younger people to indicate that laws didn’t adequately protect their privacy.

The majority of respondents indicated that they support:

  • Stronger privacy rules governing companies’ management of personal information (77%).
  • Enforceable rights for individuals whose data is misused (75%).
  • Clear regulations on the use of facial recognition by companies and government agencies (71%).
  • Stricter requirements on digital platforms regarding harmful disinformation (72%).

Read an analysis from Peter Lewis here: https://www.theguardian.com/australia-news/commentisfree/2024/sep/24/australian-voters-want-children-banned-from-social-media-but-they-want-stronger-privacy-rules-even-more

And watch the Burning Platforms Privacy Now Special Briefing here:
